There are a variety of teaching methods available to help kids develop important life skills and education. The preschool years are the most crucial stages of a child’s development. Educators must experiment with different teaching techniques to choose the best one.

Various teaching methods

There are several teaching techniques teachers can use for an excellent preschool program. It is vital to understand that not all students are the same or have the same learning style. The educator needs to adapt accordingly.

Take a look at these teaching methods –

Technology-based teaching

The usage of technology is an integral part of teaching. That is why technology-based learning is gaining such massive popularity. Teachers take the help of a computer to explain fundamental concepts to children. Apart from keeping them engaged with stunning visuals, it also exposes them to different technologies. It is one of the best learning methods.

Hands-On Approach

The hands-on approach is a teaching method that inspires children to learn by doing and by observing others. The use of props by kids assists them in problem-solving, critical thinking, and understanding abstract ideas. Board games can be used to teach children about fundamental mathematical ideas like addition and subtraction, for instance. This method encourages kids to be actively involved in their education.

Group learning

Apart from mathematical and alphabetical skills, children also need to learn basic life skills. One of the most essential ones is Collaboration. It is vital to know how to work with others efficiently. That is why preschool teachers segment the little learners into groups and assign work that they need to complete together.

Game-based learning

One of the best learning methods to keep kids engaged and entertained is via games. Various educational games offer educators the opportunity to impart valuable pre-literacy skills. It also inspires children who are not much inclined to study to learn more and explore new things.

Use stories to teach

Since stories can be listened to at any time or place, students adore them. Teachers can utilise storytelling to help children understand new ideas and concepts better.


These are the various teaching methods educators can use to teach kids better. The best solution is to understand the kids and know what works best for them. At PEKS World, the Best Preschool in Ludhiana, we have a mixed program with multiple teaching methods to ensure optimum performance for each learner.

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PEKS World, the Best Emerging Innovative Pre-school in North India fueled by the vision of igniting the spark of innovative early childhood education.

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